Pre-Application Hybrid Community Meeting 1020 Emery Ave - This event has already occurred
Event Details
Arcadis Professional Services (Canada) Inc. is hosting a pre-application community meeting on behalf of the property owners to discuss the proposed redevelopment of the site located at 1020 Emery Avenue, Burlington.
The proposed development of the...
Arcadis Professional Services (Canada) Inc. is hosting a pre-application community meeting on behalf of the property owners to discuss the proposed redevelopment of the site located at 1020 Emery Avenue, Burlington.
The proposed development of the subject lands features 4 buildings ranging from 11 to 19 storeys. Buildings A, B and C will be residential, and Building D will be a mixed-use building with 346 sq. m of ground floor retail. The proposal will have a total of 678 dwelling units and 775 parking spaces (762 residential spaces and 13 commercial spaces) in three levels of underground parking and surface parking.
Access to the site is proposed from Emery Avenue and the future road to the north. Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications are required to permit the proposed development.