Statutory Public Meeting - 236 Plains Road Est - This event has already occurred
Event Details
Statutory Public Meeting Information You are invited to attend a Public Meeting to consider the recommendation report concerning the above mentioned application.City staff have reviewed the applications along with the comments from the public and...
Statutory Public Meeting Information You are invited to attend a Public Meeting to consider the recommendation report concerning the above mentioned application.City staff have reviewed the applications along with the comments from the public and technical agencies received to date. Staff will be providing a recommendation on the amendments to the City’s Committee of the Whole. This meeting will be held using a hybrid model, allowingmembers of Council, City staff and the public the option of participating remotely or in person at Burlington City Hall,
*426 Brant St. This meeting will take place on: *Meeting Date – July 9, 2024 *Time:9:30a.m. *Location:Virtual Meeting held in hybrid model
Weston Consulting has applied on behalf of the landowner to amend the Zoning By-law for the property locatedat 236 Plains Road East in Ward 1. The subject land is currently designated ‘Residential – Medium Density’ in the City of Burlington Official Plan (1997, as amended) and ‘Urban Corridor’ in the Official Plan (2020). The applicable zoning of the subject lands is ‘Residential – Medium Density’ (RM1-346).
The applicant is proposing to amend the Zoning By-law to permit the development of a4-storey condominium townhouse block consisting of 6 units.The proposed development includes a mix of two- to three-bedroom residential units and total amenity area of 523.28 metres square. Vehicular access is proposed from Plains Road East via a two- way condominium road on west of the proposed townhouses. A total of 14 parking spaces at-grade are proposed.